Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Review: Because of Miss Bridgerton

Because of Miss Bridgerton Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

George Rokesby and Billie Bridgerton never really got along. While Billie Bridgerton was out running amuck with his younger brothers, George had to take responsibility as the heir to the Earldom. Being thrown together for a period of time just happens to change their attirudes towards one another.

Even though I knew this was going to be a prequel series to Quinn's original Bridgerton series it was still hard to grasp who the characters were supposed to be in the beginning. I think Quinn was able to bring back the levity and wittiness from the original Bridgerton series. It was a quick read and very entertaining. The hilarious banter between the characters made it worth the read.

For George growing up to be the serious one the shift in his attitude towards Billie is quite sudden for someone who is supposed to have been at least somewhat in her presence since she was born. It wasn't like they did not see each other on a somewhat regular basis. I think Andrew is more perceptive and a little less carefree than he chooses to let on. He was a great character to add tons of levity to the book, especially the parts between George and Billie.

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