The Razorland Trilogy by
Ann Aguirre
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
OVERALL: 3.5 stars
Enclave (Razorland #1) - 4 starsDeuce had only ever wanted to be a huntress fighting the freaks. In her enclave of college where people didn't live past their 20s being a huntress was the only way to protect them. On her naming day she is paired up with fade, a boy that didn't grow up in the enclave but came from somewhere else. As she is exiled along with fade from the only home she has ever known her world is turned upside down by the discoveries she finds on the surface.
I think the author did an exceptional world building job. All of the complexities of the society in which deuce grew up we're plausible and helped show the gravity and mistrust of the world. Deuce was an interesting character, her nativity of the new world around her was reasonable while at the same time not ridiculous in character. I loved the character of fade, he was strong and a little overbearing but likable overall.
I would recommend this book for people that like An adventure. There wasn't that much romance in the whole thing but there were undertones which I liked. I'm excited to get started on the second book and find out more answers on what exactly happened to the world.
Outpost (Razorland #2) - 3.5 starsAt last the group has finally found safety, or so they think. Salvation is set in its ways and thinks that the walls around the city will keep the, safe. It takes the strength and courage of deuce to rally the town and make them realize just how much the freaks are changing and adapting. This is the dawn of a completely different world and the battle for it is on the horizon.
I started out really loving the start of this book but it completely went down hill for me at the end. It took a turn in the characterization especially of fade that I thought was weak and not consistent with everything he saw and how he was raised. I am interested to see what the last book brings, maybe the story will pick up and the characters will take a better turn.
Horde (Razorland #3) - 3 starsThe final battle to save what is left of the Earth is upon them. Deuce has to find a way to gain the respect not only of the Freaks with her ferocious fighting abilities but also that of the very men she fights besides. There is a war raging on all sides and with unexpected allies Deuce and her followers might just win the fight of their lives.
There are two types of series I have found lately, one kind that the last book was the most amazing book I have ever read and the second slowly tapers off in my liking as the series progresses. Unfortunately this book came in the latter category for me, not that the ending of this was bad but it just wasn’t as exciting to me as when I picked up the first book.
Fade did redeem his character in my eyes in this one. In the last he seemed too weak for the experiences he had already faced and not worthy of a strong character like Deuce who was trying to be a leader so she couldn’t show her weakness.
Overall I am quite happy with the author’s writing style and storytelling. I am excited to see what kind of works she has in store next.
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